Monday, May 11, 2009

Wireless Gigabit backed by Intel, Microsoft, others

More than a dozen major technology companies have established the WiGig Alliance to develop a standard for high-speed wireless communication.
Members of the Alliance include Dell, Intel, LG Electronics, Microsoft, NEC, Nokia, Panasonic, Samsung, and others.

The roster demonstrates the consumer-electronics focus of the group, which claims that their wireless technology "provides the optimal way to connect consumer electronics, handheld devices and personal computers."

Operating in the 60GHz spectrum, products based on the WGA specification are expected to be capable of at least 1 Gbps within a range of about 10 meters.

That makes the technology suitable for streaming multimedia content from one room to another, if not for blanketing an entire residence. The Alliance acknowledges that other technologies will be better at providing whole-home coverage.

But they envision a WiGig "ecosystem" that joins together wireless displays and entertainment docks that will enable devices from multiple manufacturers to connect to each other.

Accordingly, the FAQ for potential Alliance members has answers for manufacturers of handhelds and consumer electronics, as well as of PCs, chips, and networking equipment.

The Alliance plans to make the final WiGig spec available some time toward the end of 2009, with products available possibly as early as next year.

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